Transitions, trauma and surviving

So apparently last I posted I had already moved up here – the cancer writing group fell through, and the current clinic is the one spoken about in a recent previous post. Also, about Mickey, while it wasn’t his heart we think the Febreze pet friendly litter and trauma of the fire all were a bad combination leading to his passing- and my other cats all had allergic reactions while using that litter so be mindful if it’s in your own home. I am very thankful to the care at Menasha pet clinic gave us extending his life the extra year and a half, would highly recommend them being both affordable and great bedside manner.

I wonder who reads blogs anymore, that are not associated with an app?  I hear about apps such as reddit, tick tock, snapchat, so many more at work.  Which, WOW it’s been a while!!  Since I last posted I have had quite the transition.

Here is the summary of my timeline: 2017 started at a clinic in Appleton- part of the clinic NO longer independent- but that’s ok, I enjoy it.  Shortly after I started so right after my last post in May- my apartment burned down and I had to move to Appleton (while bitter and traumatized, also ok as my commute is a lot shorter). I am still currently with this clinic – worked in day treatment leading art therapy groups for about a year and then switched to full time outpatient (less intensive than day treatment) and starting January I will be doing one or two days in schools that we are associated with. (will be here 3 years come march! woot).

My health in these last few years has been up and down, being told I’m paranoid and such and not treatable. Currently I’m in between acid reflux flare ups. I also started fostering dogs through “Woof Lodge and Rescue”!!! Super excited all! I have helped several puppies on their journeys and only adopted one!  My animal children have changed a bit, I now have a few fish, few new cats, the new dog, the original dog DeeDee, and have lost a pet – my beloved Mickey RIP, passed away this summer due to a combination of old age and we think a type of intestinal kitty cancer.

I’m going to have to keep more up to date with this blog regardless of if anyone’s watching because it’s nice to let it out and complain, maybe I can find a way to privatize it. I respectfully ask to keep away negative comments to keep this blog peaceful. Typing is easier than handwriting and I don’t want to pay for the cloud space.