Beyond Therapy: Unlocking Your Potential with Coaching Services

Some of you may have noticed, the website has changed and have seen the announcement on social media that Samantha now offers coaching and consulting services alongside therapy! If you are new here, welcome! Samantha is working to be more proactive with posting about her services to better service existing and potential clients as well as general public who comes across her page looking to read something interesting.

Samantha has provided mental health therapy for several years to varying ages from children to adults, ranging from general anxiety to significant trauma. Samantha has decided to offer coaching services as a way to help others who may not have a clinical need but could still benefit from having an individual to work with in meeting their goals. While this means Samantha will designate hours toward coaching clients and lower the amount available for future therapy clients, she has decided that this is the best long-term goal, to avoid personal burnout.

Samantha is also partnering with outside organizations such as Oneida Nation Art Community to provide open studio groups during conferences and helping out with local behavioral health facilities to share what art therapy is and how it can be beneficial alongside other treatments. If you or your organization would be interested in hearing more regarding hosting groups and or formal lunch and learns, feel free to reach out.

So, let’s talk Coaching – What is it?

First, the idea of seeking help for personal growth with a focus on the transformative power of coaching services! Coaching is a proactive and goal-oriented type of assistance. There are clear objectives, a structured framework for progress. This dynamic interaction distinguishes coaching from the more introspective nature of therapy. Coaching has realistic tangible, and measurable objectives, creating a roadmap for personal and professional development. This goal-oriented focus fosters a sense of purpose and direction in the client’s journey. Coaches empower clients to take actionable steps, fostering a sense of self-efficacy and personal responsibility.

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Photo by Natasha Fernandez on

Some examples of coaching goals include:

Career Development:

  • Goal: Secure a Leadership Position in the Next 12 Months
    • Action Steps: Develop leadership skills, enhance decision-making abilities, and create a strategic career plan.
  • Goal: Transition to a New Career Field
    • Action Steps: Identify transferable skills, explore relevant education or training, and create a job search strategy.

Health and Fitness:

  • Goal: Achieve and Maintain a Healthy Weight
    • Action Steps: Create a sustainable nutrition plan, establish a regular exercise routine, and track progress.
  • Goal: Reduce Stress and Improve Mental Well-being
    • Action Steps: Incorporate mindfulness practices, establish healthy coping mechanisms, and identify sources of stress.

Academic and Learning Goals:

  • Goal: Complete a Professional Certification Program
    • Action Steps: Research suitable programs, create a study plan, and allocate dedicated time for coursework.
  • Goal: Improve Time Management for Academic Success
    • Action Steps: Create a study schedule, prioritize tasks, and develop effective time-management habits.

While therapy often explores past experiences and emotions to promote healing, coaching is primarily future oriented. It concentrates on setting and achieving specific goals, developing skills, and enhancing performance. While therapy is more about resolving emotional issues, coaching is about unlocking potential and optimizing performance.

The coach-client relationship is collaborative, with the coach acting as a facilitator for the client’s growth. Coaches use powerful questioning, active listening, and feedback to help clients gain clarity, set goals, and take actionable steps toward their objectives. This partnership is built on trust and a shared commitment to the client’s success.

Therapy has Emphasis on Emotional Processing, Past Experiences and Clients are accountable for working on self-awareness, implementing coping strategies, and participating in therapeutic exercises to promote psychological well-being.

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Photo by Markus Winkler on

Coaching has concrete actionable plans, external accountability partners are encouraged, measurable benchmarks and milestones with clients, milestone check-ins to make sure client is on track with their tangible goals, intentional choices without being in a situation where the past is preventing them from moving forward.

Finding the right coach is a crucial step in the personal development journey!

As when choosing a therapist, it is recommended you request a consult or discovery call to make sure you both align with your needs and goals. Here are different topics to keep in mind when choosing a coach and or coaching program:

  • Have clear goals in mind
  • Research Coach Specializations
  • Consider Coaching Styles
  • Review Credentials and Experience
  • Seek Personal Compatibility
  • Check for Alignment of Values
  • Ask About Coaching Approach and Techniques
  • Discuss Accountability Structures
  • Explore Flexibility and Accessibility
  • Review Cost and Investment
  • Ask for References or Testimonials

Remember! Finding the right coach is a personalized process.

It’s okay to take the time needed to make an informed decision. Whether it is Therapy or Coaching, the goal is to establish a professional relationship that empowers you to achieve your personal and professional needs.

This is enough for now, but feel free to check back in for more on my “what is coaching?” series!