Independent – Peace in Colorful Dynamics

My big news! With covid and a slower schedule (despite online teaching, and still doing telehealth with many clients), I have come to the realization that I need to take better care of myself post pandemic.   I am eating better, sleeping better, exercising and relaxing more, and as soon as my schedule increased with the telehealth it all went away!!!!!! I have always wanted to open my own clinic. My dad is a small business owner, my brother was for a while before health issues become a problem, my grandpa and uncle had their own businesses.  I will be opening my own counseling/art therapy agency in Menasha. I found a small group of other independent therapists who had extra space and are willing to network, refer and offer mentorship.  There is also a massage therapist in the same building! What better self-care is having a massage therapist with good rates nearby?  I’m totally excited and scared to start on my own, but I have a great feeling about this. This time I won’t be under a different clinic, I will be my own boss, which means in charge of my own schedule, in charge of which clients I accept, and will only be able to yell at myself if I don’t end up agreeing with one of my choices. I have a solid plan which I discussed with a financial advisor, I’m looking into marketing and advertising, I have sent letters to current families and made connections with other professionals in the area, I am very hopeful that this will be successful!  My online teaching will be helpful as supplemental income and I found two online therapy programs that I’m in the interview process for so that should help as well while I’m waiting for in person clients.  I am also becoming certified as a “life coach”, it has always been an interest of mine so during this time I’m going for it.  Overall, my business name “Peace in Colorful Dynamics” is back!  I had initially held this name while under the small start-up in West Allis and small clinic in Green Bay, but this time it’s all me, not attached to anyone else.  I will miss my catalpa family; they have been wonderful!  I am ready to move forward, try new things, see children and adults and enjoy the learning experience as I go.

CHANGES changes everywhere

Hello!  These last few weeks of social distancing and fear have made me reevaluate my life.  As far as the online teaching- I was accepted into qkids and cambly kids!  So, I am now an active English as second language tutor on Cambly – Cambly Kids, Itutor, and Qkids!  (I also have italki and vipkid but they do not seem to book as well)

As far as other changes. I have realized that I need to take better care of me.  While I love where I work, the clients I see and the organization as a whole, this time of taking care of me and having a flexible schedule/being my own boss has shown me that is what I need.  I am currently back at 60 % or more of my client load and I have been too exhausted to continue working out much less walk the dogs or eat regularly like I have been. (Last time I walked the dog a neighbor yelled at me for them pooing.  Yes, I always pick it up. It made me see that I’m more of a nervous wreck then I thought I was, and I know worrying about my health in this time of covid isn’t helping and helping take care of everyone else for work isn’t helping either, much less to be yelled at for something out of my control.  I have decided to make changes which I will officially announce in the upcoming months, and while I am scared I am also very excited!  I have a plan and hopefully third times the charm!